
Who is the first one awake in the morning in your house? For years it has been one of my kids. Usually the youngest. This was fine with me for a long time because I am not a morning person. I like to take my mornings slow, like molasses slow. No loud noises. No quick movements. Just ease into the day. One sip of coffee at a time.

That hasn’t been possible for awhile.

When Ben moved to his big boy bed when he was two, he began waking me up by demanding breakfast NOW. My temper would flare within seconds of being awake and the day was off to a bad start within five minutes.

It was a vicious cycle and I felt as though there was nothing I could do. Until someone suggested I wake up before the kids.

Wake up early? Me? Never.

I dug in my heals to my set ways, only to find myself drowning in negativity.

Then one day I decided I would wake up first. I was cynical. I grumbled as I set my alarm and lay awake wishing I was still watching tv, but then morning came.

It was heaven.



You could almost taste the happy.

My first moments are now mine. The only time you find me cranky is if I sleep in.

While I miss sleeping in, at this point in my life it is just not worth it.

Being First is too important.

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.Mark 1:35


This post is part of the Five Minute Friday link up. Every Friday Kate Motaung provides a one word prompt and we write for five minutes with no major edits or second guesses – the most freeing space for any writer. Today’s Prompt: First