Are you an introvert? Do you have children? Have you considered hiding from your kids just to get some alone time?

We are 2/3 of the way through the summer and I am beginning to go a little crazy with all of the together time. My mom took the boys to the cabin last night and I feel like I can breath for the first time in a couple of weeks.

Here is me, on the inside:

I’m racking my brain for ways this introvert can get her much needed alone time. Here are some ideas I came up with:

1. Wake up earlier than your kids. I did this for about a year and I was amazed how much better my days went!

2. Have your spouse take care of them. My husband actually kicked me out of the house on a regular basis because I would get so cranky at the kids’ bedtime. So, maybe I should just say loose your cool and your spouse might take over. Maybe??

3. Trade babysitting with a friend. Co-ops make my mind spin, but trading with one person is easy. Just do it!

4. Look for Mom’s Day out programs or (when kids are older) park programs. Our community has a free park program. It ended on Tuesday and there are 6 weeks of summer left. <sigh>

5. Get a grandparent to watch them. Any grandparent will do, it doesn’t even have to be their blood grandparents. (ha!) I have found that some “adopted” grandparents are just as loving.

6. Find a “mommy’s helper.” Then maybe you can shower alone for a change.

7. Allow 13 minutes of screen time while you stare quietly out the window in the opposite corner of the house. They will be FINE.

8. Use nap time for YOU time. Discipline yourself to wait to do the dishes/laundry/etc so that you can take a breathe. Seriously.

9. Go to bed later than your kids. This is especially good if you are NOT a morning person. I do this these days.

10. Set your kids up with their favorite activity, put your earbuds in your ears and just ignore them for a little bit. They’ll be fine… You can even be in the same room, backs to each other! Fine, right?

11. I’m running out of ideas… Have a play date!! They won’t care about you at all, because a friend is over!!

12. Hire a sitter for your grocery run and stop at a coffee shop on the way home. I need a breather before I can put all of those groceries away anyways.

13. Believe that you matter enough to have time to yourself and you will find a hundred more ways to get the time you need to be refreshed, rejuvenated, and restored for the sake of yourself and your family. More than that, pray for the time you need and believe God will give it to you, because He loves you and knows what you need.

I love this interaction between Jesus and his disciples:

The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.Mark 6:30-32

Shortly after this 5,000 people showed up for lunch, but imagine that boat ride away from the crowds. Imagine the silence. Jesus saw what they needed and gave it to them. And he sees what you need too.

We all need time alone. So do whatever you can to get it and receive it, mamas. You are loved and worth it.

This post is part of the Five Minute Friday linkup, with the writing prompt: Thirteen. Perhaps the most challenging prompt to date!!

I just wanted to let you know we have 4 more days in the Trades of Hope 50% off sale! And for these last few days, every purchase will gift a woman who has been rescued from sex-trafficking a piece of jewelry to show her love. Every purchase makes a difference.

Learn More in this short video and shop Here!