Hello Dear Friends,

October is over and so is the official #Write31Days challenge. I have been trying to decide what to do with Discovering God in the Old Testament. I have bounced around a lot of ideas including 1)plow right through until I’m done 2) write a weekly Old Testament post and a weekly post on a different series 3) summarize the Prophets in a neat, 4-part bow and call it good enough.

I didn’t like any of these options.

I want to do the prophets justice and at this time I’m so worn from writing the series I don’t feel I could do them well. I don’t want to rush through them and I don’t want to give them half of my time. I have decided to pick up with the series during Lent. I believe the prophets have a lot to teach us during our time of prayer and fasting in preparation for Christ’s death and resurrection.

In the meantime, I hear God crying out to me over and over again to “Rest.” This spurred on my post last Saturday. My friend Julie commented, “I think moms in particular often need a reminder to rest.”

I’m one of them.

For years, I have contemplated rest, practiced rest, forgotten to rest, and hated resting. It has been a spiritual discipline that seems as idyllic and elusive as heaven.

But I believe in it.

I believe in rest.

I believe rest is something God calls us to do, not just in a spiritual sense of “resting in the Lord,” but in a physical, real life, take time to sit on your bum and just stop working already! Rest.

Rest is the Holy Grail for mamas, just out of reach. How do I get it? Is it really worth the time? Am I going to be in trouble for resting? For taking care of myself? Am I just being selfish?

This weekend I am flying to Denver to staff a Women’s Walk with Christ weekend. When I get back, I will begin my series.

Until then, please, rest with me. And invite your friends to join us.




Rest with Me