What is your passion? The thing you do and it sets your heart on fire? Art? Music? Writing? Organizing?

When’s the last time you invested in that passion?

I don’t mean pennies or a couple of moments of your time, I mean when’s the last time you plunged in and decided to do all you could to begin to see growth and change and movement towards the achievement of your goals? Began to care for yourself by developing your gifts?

For me, it took 6 years from the idea for my book came to mind until I went to my first writing conference and I began to write on a regular basis.

If writing is something you love to do and want to grow in, but are not sure how to move forward, I have just the thing for that:

writing with grace

ann swindellRegistration is now open for Writing with Grace, a six week live online course with my friend and writer Ann Swindell. “Ann holds an MA in Writing from DePaul University and an MFA in Creative Nonfiction Writing from Seattle Pacific University. She taught writing and creative writing courses at Wheaton College for five years as a college instructor and is passionate about helping other writers communicate clearly and powerfully as they seek to tell their own stories well.”

Writing with Grace will help you grow as a writer, learn about the publishing industry, and make your words come alive on the page. It includes 3 Q&As with editors from national publications.

Writing with Grace begins January 12 and runs every Tuesday night through February 16 (<cough> my birthday!). It will be recorded for you to watch again at your convenience. If you would like, you can also receive feedback on your writing and a one on one call with Ann.

Registration is available here.

Let me know if you sign up or are interested in other opportunities!

Bless you in pursuing your passions!
