I’m going to write this, but I might delete it… Sometimes a girl just needs permission. ?

That is the comment I wrote to myself before plunging into this post for Five Minute Friday. Because writing takes courage. And if you are a writer I want to encourage you to write even if you’re a little afraid of what you might say and what others might think.

Today’s prompt: Visitor. I’ve been thinking of 1 Peter a lot over the past year. Here are some of my thoughts…

I don’t think I need to explain to anyone what I mean when I say that the past year has been really difficult in the USA. Division seems to be around every corner. Hate grows. Fear grows with it.

And I am disturbed.

But I am not so much disturbed by the fact that the political parties continue to grow further apart. Am I angry about it? Yeah. But I’m not surprised.

I am disturbed by the division and hatred poured out between liberal and conservative Christians.

I think sometimes American Christians have forgotten that this world is not our home, but we are merely visitors to it. (1 Peter 1:17; Hebrews 11:13-16) I have observed that some seem to think the Kingdom of God has come in the form of the government of the United States of America and not in the form of Jesus Christ.

And hope is misplaced.

When hope is misplaced, fear is the result.

But our home is not here. We are not made for this fallen, crippled earth. We are not made for a place of sin, or a man made government, but for a perfect heaven and a perfect earth where there is no more illness, tears, or hate.

How are we supposed to live on earth then, if we are not striving for an earthly kingdom?

Peter puts it simply: love one another. (1 Peter 4:7-8)

Paul wrote it a different way: consider others first. (Philippians 2:3-4)

Do not go after your own passions or your own soap boxes, but love one another until it hurts and you cannot love anymore.

Serve one another as Jesus served. Whatever your political affiliation – your stance on gay marriage, your beliefs on health care systems, etc. – love and serve one another.

And above all, do not forget that our mission on earth is not to create a perfect government, but it is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and him crucified. (1 Corinthians 1:23)