It’s been one of those weeks.

  • My son nearly dumped our entire table at Chick-fil-A yesterday. Instead “only” 2 full drinks were knocked over. Followed by chicken nuggets.
  • The dog keeps finding junk left by the previous owner of our house hidden behind and under the shed. (Three bags of left over carpet. Three. Dragged all over the yard.)
  • My little one seems to need naps again and has been hangry all week because he also refused to eat.
  • I have this terrible stomach ache that won’t go away leading me to conclude that I need to give up coffee completely. <sob>

All around me it feels like my house needs more attention, my kiddos need more direction, the dog needs more exercise, and the best I can do is to get everyone out the door in the morning before I collapse in fatigue in my chair…

And the words won’t come.

Writing is a drag.

These days happen. These weeks happen. When they happen I know I need one thing and it is the one thing I struggle to permit myself to do day in and day out: Rest.

I long to rest. I need to rest.

To rest feels selfish. To rest feels unproductive. To rest feels like entirely the wrong thing to do.

But rest is a need God longs to meet.

Rest is a need

After God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it, He rested from His labor. Then He made the 7th day of the week holy, because on it He rested. God commands us to rest, because rest is holy. (Gen 2:2; Ex 20:8-11)

When the Israelites entered the Promised Land with Joshua, God promised them:

The Lord your God will give you rest by giving you this land.Joshua 1:13

The prophets proclaimed a time when rest would rule the land. There would be no more war. No more toil. No more pain. (Isaiah 11)

Jesus calls us to rest in Him. (Matthew 11:28)

We do not have a God who is a slave driver, forcing us to toil away when we are unable to go on. That is an outside force that speaks shame and defeat into our lives.

No, the LORD sees that we cannot do it all. We should not do it all. Instead, we can acknowledge our need, put down our work, and rest in the knowledge that we are worthy of the gift.

I hope in the festivities of the weekend your heart, mind, body, soul, strength all find the rest we so desperately, absolutely need.


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Jesus (Matthew 11:28)

What stops you from resting? What lies get in the way of you meeting your need?

I needed to let myself take a break this week from Discovering God in the Old Testament. But I will fulfill this series. And after that, there will be a new series to help mamas connect with God. Coming soon!