
My good friend Shawna has been participating in Lisa Jo Baker’s Five Minute Friday as long as I’ve known her. I decided to join the fun. Here’s the deal. Every Friday, Lisa Jo Baker provides a word as a writing prompt and you write for five minutes. In her words, “It started because Iā€™d been thinking about writing and how often our perfectionism gets in the way of our words. And I figured, why not take 5 minutes and see what comes out: not a perfect post, not a profound post, just five minutes of focused writing.” I want to participate because I want to work on my writing. And because it sounds like fun. So, here you go!

This Week’s Word: Garden

Ok, I’m stumped already. Garden. I don’t garden. It intimidates me. I feel like I have a black thumb. Most things I grow die.

But I know friends who do garden. They grow sugar snap peas, tomatoes, squash, and pumpkins. And sometimes, they share with me. The colors of the vegetables all thrown together in a box bring life into a dark room. They bring a sense of joy – I don’t know why, I don’t know how to explain it, but the wonder of food growing and becoming so beautiful is joyful to me.

I think of the first garden, Eden. Utopia. Lush. Green. Good. The first humans walking with God, unhindered by sin, by death, by pain… and I long for it. The beauty and the colors of a vegetable garden bring a sense of life and hope when the world is too often painful.

New vegetables speak new life. They speak health. They promise a gathering around a table in order to enjoy life’s bounty and the blessings God has given us. They point us to the future when all will be made new once more. No more death, no more tears. Just goodness.

Maybe I will grow a garden… probably not, but maybe.

A flower garden! The colors of flowers filling a vase in the center of a dining table. That also brings hope and joy. Yes, I love a flower garden. Someday.
