Awaken to Advent

I have a tendency to be over ambitious. I set goals for myself that are too high, too wide, and too deep. After failing miserably it often takes weeks to get up the nerve to try again.

I’m trying to approach the Advent season a bit different than that.

Advent isn’t really part of my tradition. Sure, we lit the candles at church and listened to messages about Christmas, but I have never really stopped to consider what Advent even means. What it is for.

Maybe you already know, but bear with me: Advent means Coming.

In practicing Advent we are preparing ourselves for Christ’s coming. 

After learning this, I decided I was going to be more prepared for Christ’s coming than I’ve ever been. I would have an advent series for the first time on the blog. I would be intentional with my kids so they knew Christmas is not about Santa coming – it’s about Jesus coming.

It’s day 4 and I’m already running out of steam.

But I’m realizing something: God doesn’t want me to just do one more thing. My actions can look holy, but my heart can still be far from God.

God wants me to be open to the coming of His presence in my life. Will I not do one more devotional, but instead sit in my devotion to him? Will I not try to impress more readers, but instead invite those who are here to journey a little deeper?

Tradition teaches that the gifts of Advent are hope, love, joy, and peace.

I long for these gifts.

This season, I am practicing simple spiritual disciplines that awaken my soul to Christ and His gifts. Join me?

When do you most experience God’s hope, love, joy, and peace?