Three months ago, before the world turned upside down, I decided to pursue becoming an Enneagram Coach. When Covid-19 hit and we all went into quarantine I thought there was no way I was going to make this dream a reality. However, here I am, stepping into something big and exciting and scary and holding my very first event and I would love to have you there!
For those who aren’t familiar, the Enneagram is a temperament and personality typing system that allows us to really understand ourselves. Our motives. Our longings. Our fears. Even our sins. How often have we behaved in a way that leaves us frustrated or even befuddled? As Paul said, what we want to do we do not do, but what we do not want to do, we do.
Why is that?
Through learning our Enneagram type, we can unearth our core motivations and experience transformation.
That has been my experience. A few years ago I was lost, afraid, experiencing a great deal of anxiety and discouragement and could not for the life of me understand my behavior. I had lost all confidence despite major “wins.” I had lost the ability to create. I felt I had lost myself.
I had heard of the Enneagram and so I began to read and read and read.
Now I am more than thrilled to share what I have learned with you.
On Saturday I am holding my first Enneagram webinar via Zoom called Knowing You: Understanding Yourself and Others Through the Enneagram and I want you to come!

It is my hope that the webinar will whet your appetite and stir your questions about who you are and who God created you to be.
As I wrote in the event description:
We are each created in unique and complex ways. During times of stress we may not like or understand why we or those we love behave the way we do. This can create tension, friction, and great disruption in our relationships and our lives.
The Enneagram is a tool widely used today to help people understand themselves and others in order to benefit their relationships, work, and inner lives.
Through the Free Knowing You Webinar with Leah Everson (MDiv Denver Seminary, Certified Enneagram Coach), you will learn:
– The 9 Different Enneagram Types
– The Core Motivations & Longings of Each Type
– How each type acts in times of stress
– How you can grow in connection with yourself, others, and God through the Enneagram
Following the Webinar will be a Live Q&A with Leah.
I really truly hope to see you there!
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