The purpose of the Enneagram is not to describe people at their worst. It is to invite people to their best. As we grow and mature into the healthy people we long to be, we begin to see the positive characteristics of each type emerge. We see the Fruit of the Spirit, the goodness God has placed in each of us, flourish. If we struggle to see this fruit in our lives, remember, the reason it is called the Fruit of the Spirit is because it comes from God’s Spirit, not ourselves. Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find.
3 Ways the Enneagram will Help You Grow
There is something different about the Enneagram that isn’t found in other temperament typing systems and that is the WHY. WHY does someone do what they do?
What is the Enneagram Anyways?
The Enneagram is a tool that has been around for decades (if not longer) used to help people know themselves better and experience personal growth. While most temperament and personality typing systems focus on how people behave, the Enneagram focuses on why people do what they do.
Knowing You :: You are Invited!
Three months ago, before the world turned upside down, I decided to pursue becoming an Enneagram Coach. When Covid-19 hit and we all went into quarantine I thought there was no way I was going to make this dream a reality. However, here I am, stepping into something big and exciting and scary and holding […]