For months now I have debated just how far to go in this space in identifying myself as a feminist. The word has so many weird connotations with it. Bra burning. Female power. Man-hate. But I wear bras. I love my husband. And I desire to see empowerment for all.

And that is what I believe it is to be a feminist, to honor, value, and promote individuals, whether they are male or female.

I guess I have hesitated to state that I am an egalitarian for awhile, because I have been looking for jobs in the church – and I was afraid of being seen as too edgy.

But in not sharing this part of me, I am being dishonest. I am being dishonest about who I am. And I am denying a large part of my story.

I am a woman who was called to be a pastor when she was 19 years old. Instinctively I knew it would be an uphill battle. After college I went to seminary, because I felt that though many men are hired for pastoral positions without a degree, as a woman I needed that extra endorsement.

My story in seminary was painful as a woman. One of six or seven women in a program of 70 or so students. The following year there were only 2 women in the program. I had men question why I was there. What would I do with the degree? Aren’t all women who work outside the home selfish? And so on.

I felt questioned not only as an individual, but as a Christian. Am I really following God?

Which is why understanding what the Bible says about women is so important to me. In my studies of Scripture, I have come to see that I am not ministering in-spite of what the Bible says, but because of it. I see Jesus as a feminist in his time. Paul was also a feminist. But most don’t see that.

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So, it is my desire to finally write about this on my little slice of the internet. Not only my story, but the stories of the women of the Bible who God empowered.

I wanted to participate in Write 31 Days, but I just don’t have time. I will however, continue to follow Kate Motaung’s word prompts and write 5 minute posts at a time on this sensitive and important topic. Eventually I hope I will reach 31 posts. But if I don’t, I’m ok with that.

I hope these 5 minute snippets are encouraging to you. I hope you will join me. And I hope to hear your stories as well.

You can find the landing page for the entire series here. Posts will be coming soon!

This post is in response to yesterday’s Five Minute Friday prompt, “story.” Yeah, it’s Saturday, but that’s how I roll… I might be late, but I’m still showing up. That’s what’s important. And it’s working for me.