Jack is now four. There is no baby and barely any toddler left in this little boy. He keeps me on my toes every day with his imagination. Nothing is what it actually is. The laundry room is the train. The couch is the silly car. The basement is the machine. And on and on he goes.

Jack still makes friends with everyone everywhere we go. He’ll gladly introduce himself to you as Jack, Superman, or John Hyde, depending on his mood. I have to be sure I know who I’m talking to in order to get a response.

Oh, and yellow is hands down Jack’s favorite color. For his party, we had a yellow birthday cake with yellow frosting. He claims all of Ben’s yellow toys as his own (I find piles of them all over). And he wears yellow whenever he can (check out the super cute senior school pictures below).

Here are some other favorites:
Favorite animal: “Snake” or, as Superman, “A Superman lion”
Favorite tv show: “Curious George”
Favorite food: “cookies”
Favorite number: “4!” (Go figure)
Favorite letter: “C!”
“Say, ‘What’s your favorite drink.'”
Favorite drink: “Juice!”
Favorite toy: the yellow blocks (Ben’s yellow blocks)
Favorite friend: “Harper and Cassidy. Harper’s my best friend and Cassidy’s my best friend.”







