What others say about Leah’s coaching
What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a personality typing system which has 9 types. Enneagram literally means 9 (ennea) drawing (gram) and is depicted like this:

Unlike many temperament and personality systems which only describe characteristics (how people behave), the Enneagram highlights people’s motivations, why they do what they do. It is in unearthing this “why” and learning to become aware of our hidden impulses that we can begin to experience greater health and connection with God, ourselves, and others.
Most notably, the Enneagram highlights our Core Fear, Core Desire, Core Weakness, and Core Longing. These motivations shape everything we do and while they have served us in the past, at some point most people realize how they can become detrimental.
The Enneagram can’t transform a person by itself. It is a tool for spiritual formation, personal growth, healing, and relationships.
What is Enneagram Coaching?
Enneagram Coaching is meeting in order to identify and discuss your individual type in order to experience transformation and growth as your true self. Through teaching on your type, guided reflection, and practices that facilitate growth, you will see accelerated growth in your personal, spiritual, and work life.
As we grow in self-awareness, we grow in wholistic health.
For more information on what I offer as an Enneagram Coach, please visit this page or schedule your free consultation.

What others are saying about Leah’s Enneagram Coaching
I’m so grateful for the clarity you brought to my identity crisis.
Through the time I spent with Leah walking through the Enneagram I was able to process a lot about myself and how I relate to people and the world. I now see many things differently and I expect that this is a journey that will continue. I have many new observations and questions that I can use as tools as I go about and live my everyday life.
-Stacy Smith-Fulia (Enneagram 9)
Working with Leah was an extremely helpful part of my process of discovering the Enneagram and learning how my type applied to my life. I highly recommend using an Enneagram coach to help in the process of self-discovery, and I recommend Leah in particular! She was insightful and gentle, not pushing me along any particular path, but asking good questions to help me discover what makes me tick.
-Renée Horsman (Enneagram 3)
Recommended Reading
People often ask what books to read for a good understanding of the Enneagram. The following are excellent (and fun) primers.*
The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile
The Road Back to You helped me begin to grasp the Enneagram in “layman’s” terms. It is full of anecdotes and examples of each type, plus tips on discovering your type.
Becoming Us by Beth McCord and Jeff McCord
Not only is Becoming Us a great book for couples, but it has an excellent roadmap or reference section highlighting the key points for each type.
Self to Lose, Self to Find by Marilyn Vancil
My clients hear me talk about living from the True Self and while Brennan Manning and personal mentors are the ones who introduced me to the concept, Marilyn Vancil’s book Self to Lose, Self to Find has given me the language of living in my True Self from an Enneagram perspective. This book is fairly simple and straight forward for those who may wonder if the Enneagram and the Bible are compatible. Vancil also offers practices for each type to grow in maturity.
The Enneagram Made Easy by Elizabeth Wagele and Renee Baron
The Enneagram Made Easy was my first book on the Enneagram. I really enjoy the illustrations and comics as well as the tips for growth. It is excellent information on the characteristics of each type, but doesn’t provide much for the motivations of each type.
Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun
For more guided spiritual direction using the Enneagram, I highly recommend Adele Ahlberg Calhoun’s book Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram: A Handbook for Harmony and Transformation. Calhoun’s book Spiritual Disciplines Handbook is one of my go-to resources and Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram is hands down one of the most practical and insightful books for my own spiritual formation using the Enneagram.
*Please note, these are affiliate links which will give me a small percentage of the sales. Thank you for your support of my work.