For the majority of my adult life, I have struggled with depression. I’ve gone to counseling, been on medications, switched medications, and generally sought healing as best as I have known how. But there are days and weeks when nothing seems to be working. I’ve been stuck in several of those days in a row […]
How Jesus Heals my Depression
Depression has been my constant companion since I was 16 years old. It has oppressed me with its hopelessness, its despair, its sense of futility, anger, and deceit. Yes, deceit. Depression lies to me. Depression tells me there is no life for me. Depression tells me there will be no moment better than this. Depression […]
Why Depression Won’t Win: An Easter Refl
I am a girl who feels she is not enough. Perfection seems like it should be possible and yet I fall short. I snap at my kids. I am jealous of other women. I am irritable, selfish, materialistic. I see my sin. I struggle with depression, shame, and fear. And I know I would be […]
A Bright Light in the Darkness
I wrote these words this past spring and they did not make it up on this blog then. I would like to share them with you now. For three and a half years, I slaved away at Denver Seminary working towards my Master of Divinity degree. The last nine moths of those years I was […]
Gotta Laugh
I read somewhere that just anticipating laughing increases endorphins. While I have a blog post I want to share with you, I thought maybe you could use a laugh today. I’ll share my other stuff when my computer cooperates. For now, enjoy. [youtube]