To the Highly Sensitive People in the middle of this new civil rights movement, caught up in the bluster of what was already an overwhelming world. I see you.

I see you weeping for the injustice that is the murder of George Floyd. And before him Breonna Taylor. And before her Ahmaud Arbery. And before him countless others. For generations HSPs have born witness to the pain of others and empathized with the hurting.
You have a strength inside you to speak up against injustices and to act for the oppressed because you are highly sensitive. Your sensitivity highlights what is wrong in the world.
Sometimes it is too much.
I see you reacting to the stress of the day. I see you bursting seemingly out of nowhere with anger and rage due to the intense feelings you have inside. I see you stressed due to the pandemic, due to distance learning with your children, due to being around your family or roommates or simply yourself all the time. I see you stressed because finances are tight, the world already seemed to be closing in. I see how the world was already too much.
And now buildings in your city are on fire. Military is moving in to fight against citizens of their own state. Conflict is everywhere and it hurts you everywhere.
I invite you to bear witness to your pain.

Meditation Practice
Take a deep breath. Slowly let it out.
What do you feel? What word would you use to describe how your body feels? Take some time to identify your feeling word.
Take another deep breath. Slowly let it out.
What judgments do you have about the world right now? What story are you telling yourself about the circumstances? The people?
Take another deep breath. Slowly let it out.
What other feelings do you feel? Name the feelings.
Take another deep breath. Slowly let it out.
What do you need? What do you need to be calm? Exercise? A nap? A conversation? How can you get it?
Make a plan.
Please take care of you in this time. We need you. We need your insights. Your intuition. Your voice. You do have a voice. And your voice matters. Your story matters.
As you go, be aware of the story you are telling yourself. Your perception about events and your day. What are you telling yourself about people in your community? What are you telling yourself about you? How do these thoughts make you feel?
“Just because you think it doesn’t make it true.” – Ian Cron
Have compassion on yourself. This is a lot. The world is a lot.
If you would like to speak to someone about your feelings, I am here for you. Please contact me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
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