While sitting at the smorgasbord of opportunity, my eyes glimmered in the candlelight of my dreams as I loaded my plate high with events, commitments, opportunities. Each one looked better than the rest. Each was an easy yes.

And last week they happened all at once.

Beginning October 1st, I joined #write31days and committed to writing at least 5 minutes a day through the month of October.

31 days big

October 27-29, I studied, listened, learned what it takes to make it as a published writer in this reinvented market under Margaret Feinberg and Jonathan Merritt at Writer’s Boot Camp. As part of my continued education from Writer’s Boot Camp, I signed up for feedback on a book proposal for Restoring Mama’s Soul. Little did I realize it will take me the entire month of November to finish it.



October 31, of course, was Halloween which included finishing my son’s Olaf costume and two parties.


And on Sunday I will be preaching at Scum of the Earth Church.

As I continue to shovel the food into my mouth, I appreciate the nourishment of each bite, but my mouth is dry, my stomach is full, and my pausing more between bites.

Yet, I don’t want to stop.

So, how do we keep going we’ve bitten off more than we can chew? Here are 3 things I’m doing to keep myself going:

  1. Take a drink. I just woke up from a nap. Over the weekend, even though I was promised an hour more of sleep, I got an hour less. I am tired. Sleep is the lubricant I need in order to keep praying, keep reading, keep thinking my way through my days. It keeps me from spitting out the dry crumbs and creates space in my life for fresh inspiration.
  2. Put on your stretchy pants. With all of my yeses, I need to say a few nos. I should have said no to the elementary school’s Math Night last Thursday. I will say no to any social activity until at least after my sermon on Sunday. I am not going on the women’s retreat with our church this weekend <tear>. But each of these nos allow me to say the yeses I value the most.
  3. Finish well. Bite by bite. The next week is mapped out. The next month is scheduled. I will finish my sermon on time, with room to spare. I will take the book proposal one section at a time, day by day. (My favorite app, Wunderlist, is making sure of that.) And Write 31 Days? I will finish. Just not when I thought I would.
  4. Bonus: I will not try this alone, believe I’m alone, or ever be alone.

I will not

When I remember I am studying, writing, and speaking in His power (1 Peter 4:10-11), the pressure to perform vanishes. I no longer feel like I will choke on my servings, but I know that in Him, all of these good things are possible.

What overwhelms you, today? Do you feel any of these steps will help you chew and swallow?

We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3